how to know new features released in ms teams

how to know new features released in ms teams
how to know new features released in ms teams

How to Know New Features Released in MS Teams

how to know new features released in ms teams

Microsoft Teams is a powerful collaboration tool that has become increasingly popular in recent years. With its wide range of features and constant updates, it can be challenging to keep up with all the new additions. In this article, we will explore various methods to stay informed about the latest features released in MS Teams, ensuring you can make the most of this versatile platform.

1. Official Microsoft Blogs and Websites

One of the most reliable sources for information on new features in MS Teams is the official Microsoft blogs and websites. Microsoft regularly publishes articles and updates on their blogs, providing detailed information about the latest additions to the platform. These blogs often include step-by-step guides, case studies, and examples to help users understand and implement the new features effectively.

By subscribing to the official Microsoft blogs and websites, you can receive email notifications whenever a new article or update is published. This ensures that you are always up to date with the latest features and improvements in MS Teams.

2. Microsoft 365 Roadmap

The Microsoft 365 Roadmap is another valuable resource for staying informed about new features in MS Teams. The roadmap provides a comprehensive overview of the upcoming features and updates across the entire Microsoft 365 suite, including MS Teams.

By visiting the Microsoft 365 Roadmap website, you can filter the updates specifically for MS Teams and view the details of each feature. The roadmap includes information about the release timeline, feature descriptions, and any associated documentation or resources.

Additionally, you can subscribe to the RSS feed of the Microsoft 365 Roadmap to receive real-time updates whenever a new feature is added or updated. This ensures that you are always aware of the latest developments in MS Teams.

3. Microsoft Tech Community

The Microsoft Tech Community is an online platform where users can connect, share knowledge, and stay updated on the latest Microsoft technologies, including MS Teams. The community includes discussion forums, blogs, and events where users can interact with Microsoft experts and fellow users.

By joining the Microsoft Tech Community and participating in relevant discussions and forums, you can gain valuable insights into new features and updates in MS Teams. Microsoft experts often share announcements and provide detailed explanations of the new features, allowing users to ask questions and clarify any doubts.

Furthermore, the Microsoft Tech Community hosts regular webinars and events focused on MS Teams, where you can learn about the latest features directly from Microsoft professionals. These events often include live demonstrations and Q&A sessions, providing a comprehensive understanding of the new additions to the platform.

4. Insider Programs

If you want to get early access to new features in MS Teams and actively contribute to their development, you can join the Microsoft Insider Programs. These programs allow users to test pre-release versions of MS Teams and provide feedback to Microsoft.

By becoming an insider, you can access new features before they are officially released and provide valuable feedback to shape their development. This not only gives you a head start in utilizing the latest features but also allows you to influence their design and functionality.

However, it is important to note that insider builds may contain bugs or stability issues, as they are still in the testing phase. Therefore, it is recommended to use insider builds in non-production environments to avoid any potential disruptions.

5. Social Media and Online Communities

Social media platforms and online communities are excellent sources for staying informed about new features in MS Teams. Microsoft and its official MS Teams accounts often share announcements and updates on platforms like Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook.

By following these accounts and joining relevant MS Teams groups or communities, you can receive real-time updates and engage in discussions with other users. These platforms also provide an opportunity to ask questions, share experiences, and learn from the community’s collective knowledge.


Staying informed about new features in MS Teams is crucial to make the most of this powerful collaboration tool. By utilizing official Microsoft blogs and websites, subscribing to the Microsoft 365 Roadmap, joining the Microsoft Tech Community, participating in insider programs, and engaging with social media and online communities, you can ensure that you are always up to date with the latest additions to MS Teams.

Remember, staying informed is just the first step. To fully leverage the new features, take the time to explore and understand their capabilities. Experiment with different use cases and consider how they can enhance your team’s collaboration and productivity. With continuous learning and adaptation, you can unlock the full potential of MS Teams and drive success in your organization.


1. Can I receive email notifications for new features in MS Teams?

Yes, by subscribing to the official Microsoft blogs and websites, you can receive email notifications whenever a new article or update is published. This ensures that you are always up to date with the latest features and improvements in MS Teams.

2. How can I access the Microsoft 365 Roadmap?

You can access the Microsoft 365 Roadmap by visiting the official Microsoft website. The roadmap provides a comprehensive overview of the upcoming features and updates across the entire Microsoft 365 suite, including MS Teams.

3. What is the Microsoft Tech Community?

The Microsoft Tech Community is an online platform where users can connect, share knowledge, and stay updated on the latest Microsoft technologies, including MS Teams. The community includes discussion forums, blogs, and events where users can interact with Microsoft experts and fellow users.

4. Are insider builds of MS Teams stable?

Insider builds of MS Teams may contain bugs or stability issues, as they are still in the testing phase. Therefore, it is recommended to use insider builds in non-production environments to avoid any potential disruptions.

5. How can I engage with the MS Teams community on social media?

By following official Microsoft and MS Teams accounts on platforms like Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook, you can receive real-time updates and engage in discussions with other users. Additionally, joining relevant MS Teams groups or communities allows you to ask questions, share experiences, and learn from the community’s collective knowledge.


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